Seneca River Missionary
Baptist Association
Association Events/Meeting Dates
*** Notifications of meeting dates to be announced in advance ***
Morris College Fall Harvest Rally Fundraiser – November
Contributions collected to provide financial support for Morris College - college owned and supported by African-American baptist churches accross the state of South Carolina.
Benedict College Founder's Day Rally Fundraiser
Contributions collected to provide financial support for Benedict College - privately owned college supported by African-American baptist churches.
Unity Fellowship Revival
Presented by the three Unions of the Seneca River Baptist Missionary Association
Annual Association Meeting
Convines annually on the Friday before the fifth Saturday in July, August, or September (whichever Summer month the fifth Saturday comes first)
Friendship College Life Center Fundraiser
Contributions given to support the Sandy River Baptist Association's effort to build a life center on the property formerly occuplied by the Friendship Junior College.