Seneca River Missionary
Baptist Association
Seneca River Family Life Center Improvement Association
Mission: The Seneca River Institute Family Life Center is a place to provide an environment that will strengthen the churches, families, and community through Recreational, Social, Educational, Worship, Fellowship, and Mission Service activities for Member Churches of the Seneca River Missionary Baptist Association while honoring the directives of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.
Seneca River Baptist - Union #1
Mission: Formed to aid the Seneca River Missionary Baptist Association by uniting the member churches of Union No. 1 through worship, fellowship, education, discipleship, service, and missions, as directed by God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Seneca River Baptist - Union #2
Mission: Formed to aid the Seneca River Missionary Baptist Association by uniting the member churches of Union No. 1 through worship, fellowship, education, discipleship, service, and missions, as directed by God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Seneca River Baptist - Union #3
Mission: Formed to aid the Seneca River Missionary Baptist Association by uniting the member churches of Union No. 1 through worship, fellowship, education, discipleship, service, and missions, as directed by God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Seneca River Baptist Ushers Convention
Mission: The United Ushers are committed to the perpetuation of a uniform method of church ushering. Members strive to stimulate interest in church ushering and promote growth through the development and implementation of innovative programs to raise the spiritual, moral and social awareness of its membership.
Seneca River Missionary Baptist Association
Mission: Established to promote the cause of Christ in imparting such information as may be helpful to individual churches in advancing the cause of mission, both home and foreign, and in assisting in the education of our people in the state.
Seneca River Sunday School Congress of Christian Education
Mission: Proclaiming the gospel through authentic worship while ministering to the needs of a changing culture.
Seneca River Sunday School Congress Trustee Board
Mission: To control all property belonging the Sunday School B.T.U. and Educational Convention, and to oversee the management of said property.
Seneca River Woman's Auxiliary
Seneca River Young Woman's Auxiliary (YWA)
Seneca River Ministerial Alliance
Mission: The Ministerial Alliance provides clergy with an opportunity to worship, share information, and a forum for addressing common concerns.
Seneca River Baptist Brotherhood Convention
Mission: To lead the brotherhood to contribute more liberally to educational and missionary endeavors